Saturday, July 16, 2011

Been thinkin' as of late ...

I just spend the last 3 weeks on the road. I traveled up to Bushnell, Illinois for Cornerstone. From there we traveled through Chicago, Wisconsin and Minnesota to play a few shows and work with the local churches there. It was a great encouragement to see the kindness and generosity of people- even complete strangers. From Minnesota I flew with my friend Bradley to Houston in order to lead worship at a camp. The purpose of this blog was inspired by my observations made along this journey, some of which were confirmed by spending around 20 hours in 3 different airports consecutively and simply watching people.

Let me start this off by saying that I feel that the reality of the Kingdom of God, the fusion of Heaven with Earth, includes more than just a "spiritual awakening to an invisible Creator" that, by which, inspires me to live a better, more moral life. I wouldn't throw out this aspect of this reality but I would not dare to replace it with such. The kingdom of God is evident in our hearts, our minds, and our actions- its exactly how the Kingdom is being established in the here and now. We are in fact ushering in that "appearance"...

For a few years now, and more intensely as of late, I have been pondering the "imago dei". As I see it, this is essentially the basis of any model of "in Christ" rhetoric that is said to be a present reality foreshadowing a future hope. This has been the question I have continually asked myself concerning all of my life decisions. Can I do ___ and still bear the image of God in Christ? This is a hard thing to weed your way through, especially when we live in such a narcissistic society that masquerades such self-centeredness around under the veil of entitlement. So I ask myself these questions now ...

Can I still bear Christ' image and take the life of another?

Can I still bear Christ' image and go on vacation?

Vacation is such a staple in our culture. But, I wonder if people ever think about the idea of being served, and consumed with yourself and your desires, to ever be at conflict with the person of Jesus? I have only met a hand full of people who would share this opinion with me but this does not surprise me. Now, I must fight against the legalistic stereotypes while not allowing the labels of society to deter me from asking myself the tough, and necessary questions that need to be asked.

One of my favorite chapters in all of scripture starts off with the idea of surrender.

"I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship. Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect"-Romans 12:1-2
Give me your input and lets see where and how we can sharpen one another.


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