Today I turn 25! Seeing as my birthday in near the end of the year its always rather easy for me to recap my year. Here is a little bit about what I learned in 2011 ...
(In no particular order)
(In no particular order)
- Faithfulness is not the equivalent to practicality. Sermons and bible studies are always climaxing with a practical point. I found that their are aspects of following Jesus that aren't going to be all that practical.
- I am a pacifist. Those who know me are probably surprised by this but I aspire to be free from violence and aggression. Its been quite hard! Like my pastor Dru says, "you can't solve the problems of this world with the solutions of this world." This has also effected my stance on the "pro-life" issue as well. Life is life! Fetus, infant, child, adult, soldier, civilian ... life!
- Premillennial rapture theology is just silly. Especially zionism!
- I let my guard down with Genesis 1-3. I am not defending creationism, I am not advocating evolution. But, I am not convinced that the creation account is defending one position over the other quite yet.
- I learned that my feelings, and my desires are not bullet proof guides in discerning God's will. There is far to much assuming the goes on in relation to knowing and discerning God's will. People treat God as if he is either a determinist, or a deist. In typical Seth fashion ... I disagree.
- It is unfair for me to generalize women based off of the women I know.
- ALL relationships are valuable. Don't ignore your relationships with friends of the same sex because the lessons you learn from them will probably be priceless if you ever get married. Of course, from me this is mere speculation.
- I have gained more peace about the possibility of not marrying. What I understand marriage to be is something I want but, within my culture and, what marriage means to most, it is often not the same.
- Music doesn't matter all that much to me anymore. If I couldn't use music to proclaim and announce the Kingdom I would want to find something else to do, even more than I already do! I still love music, its just not the "end all be all" it used to be.
- I actually care about politics. I found a candidate that I believe in and support, Ron Paul!
- I don't believe the official repost about 9/11. I am not convinced that the terrorist who carried out the attacks of 9/11 were middle-eastern, radical muslims. I don't believe both WTC towers fell because a Boeing 757 hit each one. I don't believe an office fire caused WTC 7 to collapse. And, I am skeptical that a plane even hit the Pentagon.
- I enjoy soccer. Especially USMNT!
- I have soul! The Lord has really helped me become a bass player this year. ... I play blues!
- I am learning not to be defensive. I have very little to defend and as soon as I get on the defensive, I am in big trouble and I alienate people and their points of view.
- Sometimes people will walk away and leave you, even whole families. It sucks! But, you can't strong arm people into reconciliation. It may take months or years - it may never happen - but you have to maintain that willingness to reconcile so that when it does, you are ready and willing.
Most of my friends, even the closest, think I'm against marriage. I think you put some of my thoughts to words in number 8. Good thinking. Keep at it! :)