I just can not get over how offensive the Gospel is. Of all the people that could be most offended by the Gospel I have to assume that God is the one who could even possibly occupy the position of "most offended" yet for Him, the death of Jesus of the cross was a means to extend love, glory, and honor to us in order that we might be reconciled to Him. He gave much in order that he might gain much, and this is not the same sort of "gain" that is established in our consumeristic society, rather it is the restoration of creation to its creator. I just can't get over the absurdity of this whole thing PLUS what's more is that we see this same sort of reckless abandonment in Jesus who is the exact imprint of God (Heb. 1:3) I am sorry if the use of the word "reckless" offends others in my reflection of God's sovereignty but lets save that for another blog. Now, lets think back to the 1st century. If you were seeking to start a religious movement in order to gain power wouldn't a mastermind have gone a completely different route? Wouldn't the followers of that day, who were losing their lives, have abandoned this campaign if their had not been some sort of experience? I contend that we relive that experience daily, but my approach is a bit difference in that I believe we experience the offensive nature of Christ (maybe you are more comfortable with conviction as opposed to "offense"?) If I am right then this offensive quality is a sign of His love- and His love(my bible says "kindness"- let that sit on your brain for a second) leads us to repentance!(Romans 2:4) The essence of Christ picks a fight, and goes to battle on absolutely every front of human existence. In this view we have to remember that the pacifism of Christ is kept within a certain confine(2 Cor. 10:3-4). It just amazes me how insane this whole thing is AND THEN I start to think about how often people wrestled with God in scripture, they struggled with His will for them and His people i.e. Jesus. Yet, so often we forget to stop and ask why? Why am I wrestling with this? I wonder if a considerable amount of this has to do with the reality that while Christ is in us, and we are in Christ, we still experience the offensive nature of the Kingdom of God? And I pray that we never become numb to that sting!
So, if ...
"Greater love has no one that this, that someone lay down his life for his friends."-John 15:13
... what can we assume about love if our model for love is Christ on Calvary? I say this: The very act of love is offensive in a 2 fold manner. 1.) It offends the evil of this world and it pushes back the Kingdom of this world in order to establishing the Kingdom of God. 2.) We have to accept the fact that when people love us that it will include some manner of offensiveness. There is a heresy going around that if you confront another that you don't love them ... in this manner you are to be a pacifist like Jesus- or so it is assumed. I can not tell you how offended I have been in my life by the motivation of love in others for me.
Without a predisposed offense, what good is humility in the life of a Christ-follower? In other words, why is the importance of humility fundamentally necessary in the life of the believer if we have not been offended by the love that has been extended to us?
So, if ...
"Greater love has no one that this, that someone lay down his life for his friends."-John 15:13
... what can we assume about love if our model for love is Christ on Calvary? I say this: The very act of love is offensive in a 2 fold manner. 1.) It offends the evil of this world and it pushes back the Kingdom of this world in order to establishing the Kingdom of God. 2.) We have to accept the fact that when people love us that it will include some manner of offensiveness. There is a heresy going around that if you confront another that you don't love them ... in this manner you are to be a pacifist like Jesus- or so it is assumed. I can not tell you how offended I have been in my life by the motivation of love in others for me.
Without a predisposed offense, what good is humility in the life of a Christ-follower? In other words, why is the importance of humility fundamentally necessary in the life of the believer if we have not been offended by the love that has been extended to us?